Thursday, July 17

Ruby's Dilemma

Can we say that being in dilemma is being in a fix? More, specially when we are offered choices that we hate to choose from? Why does this happen that we are often made to kill our interests by our near ones only to work on something that they think is good for us. All right and all fine.. agreed to do all this but then why why in the world they don't even care to think that I might not have any interest in what they are saying me to do?????These were some of the questions which were running in the mind of Ruby. Ruby who used to be a sweet innocent and shy girl when she was a kid but her shyness and her innocence had today brought her to a point where now she stands waiting for the future to unfold itself. Ruby had always been full of life.. Wishing to enjoy every moment which came to her, when she used to laugh it looked like the whole world is smiling and laughing with her but now she don't even dare to smile.

Ruby just finished her high school studies and was now to choose a field which would decide her future. She with her full heart wanted to be a designer but her parents wanted her to go with accounts. She could not understand why is something like accounts is being forced to her specially when she has no interest in doing it. "Why the hell should I do it?", she asked herself. She remembered her father telling her long back that he had so much passion for electronics that he left chemical engineering within an year and did a diploma in electronics instead of getting a degree in chemical and see how happy and successful he is now.

Ruby always looked up at Mr. Arman, her father as her role model, someone who is so successful and so very helpful to everyone who went up to him. Everyone in the family had always stopped or felt irritated from his habit of trusting anyone blindly and helping them to the full. Many a times his this nature had brought him lots of loss financially but he never stopped trusting people and helping them. This aspect of his has kept Ruby's spirits so high and made her totally frank in front of him. Sometimes Ruby's friends used to be so surprised by seeing her talking so coolly and calmly with her father that they used to ask her how are you so friendly with your dad? And there she gave them a bright smile of hers with a beautiful spark in her eyes.

But today, today is completely different. There is no spark in her eyes. She is just sitting and crying with thousands of questions running in her mind trying to find some words and space in this world full of people in and around her from whom she wants to ask so so many questions. "Will there be anyone to answer them ever? Will I be satisfied? Why why cant I do what my Heart wishes me to do? Why papa? Papa you also did not complete your degree because you had no interest in those subjects, then why are you saying me to do so? Why Krishan ji? Why?" These and many more questions were going on in inside her. Waiting for her to just open her mouth once and all these will be fired out. But only tears came down from those two beautiful sparkling eyes who were loosing their sparkle by getting filled with that salty water. She really wished someone to help her out, someone who could understand her, someone who could listen to her slow voice which was murmuring for help, which was saying to let me live my life my way but none. She felt there is none except her best friend who will listen to her.

Lord Krishan whom the whole world looks up as God she looked up as her friend. The only friend she had for almost 3.5 years of her late school life. No one bothered if she is sitting in class or if she is not. So numb as if her presence made no difference to anyone. Wanting to talk to everyone, longing for friends she found none so she made Lord Krishan as Krishan ji, her best friend. Krishan ji with whom she used to talk every single thing on this earth while sitting alone. If someone would have looked up to her at that time she would have easily got the title of a mad person.

While words were waiting to come out of her mouth her father and uncle aunt were pressurizing her to say yes for accounts and start studying for the entrance tests. She stopped crying for a minute, thought something and finally said,"Okay, I will do it." Till now she was not going with the wind but now she gave herself and her future, her career, her whole life to the unexpected. She gave off her interests at that very point, stopped expecting anything from anyone got depressed and dejected but decided to live to see what else is in stored for her in the coming future, as that's the way to live a life which she has learned from Mr Arman, the never say die attitude.

Ruby and her father then left for their house. All the way to home, there were thoughts roaming in her mind, what would have happened if papa was forced to complete his engineering? Would he have been so successful, happy and satisfied with his life as he is now? With so many unanswered questions fighting in her mind, they got a push when car stopped but only tears came out. With the first step in kitchen Mr Arman said mission successful, she will be doing accounts, hearing this brought smiles on everyone's face and tears in Ruby's eyes.

She went in her room and got lost in a world of thoughts again and asked herself is this called being in a fix or is this choosing in a dilemma? She had learned to fight from her dad and so she will fight her unanswered questions and make them silent by giving them a blow of smiles, her one yes, had brought on every member's face in her family but she had no answer for the tears she had brought in her own Heart.

What do you think? Was Ruby's decision correct? Should she have fought with her parents for something she never wanted to do? Is it right to fight and go against your parent's wish?


Prateek Sharma said...

Nobody in the world will come to know what you are thinking unless you successfully articulate and convey your thoughts. Remaining silent, talking with open sky will make the picture clear to God (who already knows it) but not to mortal human beings. Communicating well is an art not everyone is well versed with. However, accepting faults & expressing honestly one's own thoughts leads to better results.

As Ruby believed in Krishan ji, she should also have had faith in Krishan ji that everything happens, happens for a reason and a person should act & react according to the role assigned. What good lies in it is sometimes beyond comprehension.

Considering Ruby's case, I think its the best that could happen to her. Accounts is a subject which is a must know if a person actually wants to succeed in the real world. One does not realize this fact at young age, not until he/she faces the harsh realities of life. So in Ruby's case she wanted to be a designer; any creative designer can only succeed truly if he/she works under his/her own will which means in his/her own business, as no employer will ever let you use your imagination freely which will bring more frustration than satisfaction (ASK ANY SALARIED CREATIVE PERSON!).

So learning accounts in graduation and then later heading for a designer profession in future would have been the best way to cherish her real dream. However, not everyone at young age has experience enough to have more optimistic view.

If a film director puts an actor in a role of beggar then the actor has to perform the role in order to prove his worth otherwise he is simply labeled as incapable and usually thrown out of the window.

Similarly, if Ruby is unable to communicate her thoughts well with her parents, family and friends then she should brave through the situation by studying hard and proving her worth. After that she will be in a position to freely put her foot into any profession she feels like.

Simply believing in God and doing nothing will not lead to any results. God helps those who help themselves. Putting one through tough situations is a test that he takes. One who smiles, accepts and braves through them is the one who becomes truly successful.

Never say die attitude does not mean staying silent, killing oneself without putting a step forward. Thats staying dejected!

Never say die attitue means breezing through tough situations with flying colors. Accepting failures, treating them as stepping stones and braving ahead indicates a never say die spirit. Falling down silent, talking to oneself leads to garbage buildup in mind which blocks the optimist vision. Ruby needs to clear out the baggage and believe more strongly in God by putting her thoughts into action, by communicating freely with her family & friends and by believing that God is holding her hand wherever she steps, so even if she falls down, God will pick her up.

Its neither called a big fix nor dilemma. Its called Life!

As they say, you can never connect the dots looking forward, they only make sense when you look back at your life!

Yaju said...

Ruby should go and read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Then all her problems will be solved.

Vaibhav said...

May Be, Ruby took the right decision!
Though she will never realize her dream but that would have made only Ruby happy.
Now everybody around is happy.
But this is destiny of every other girl in India, Not just girls but there are many boys who are Ruby.
But then, All Rubys should take into their minds that they will never let a Ruby to be in their children.
Rubys should let their children realize their dreams.
Had she not taken this decision, and God forbid, Ruby fails as designer, then she would be a culprit in her own eyes and that may lead to birth of another Ruby in her child.

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