Tuesday, June 24

Say NO to Pollution

As we were discussing about Pollution in our previous post on various ways which we can adopt to decrease pollution here are few more of those.. Lets have a look..

We all loved to learn bicycle when we were kid then why don't we use that long learnt skill to help reduce pollution and as we all know its a good exercise also so we get twice the benefit by just using bicycle i.e, help in reduction of pollution along with a healthy physique. If in case one cant use a bicycle then one can walk for small distances or use public transport instead. All these ways will help reduce air pollution and also help us save some bucks in our pockets.

Another very common thing which we see as the main reason for air pollution.. Of course you got it right emission of smoke from factories/industries but we cant do much about it until we have powerful parties along our side to stand against a powerful party. Its upto the rich and so called intelligent persons to see that if they call themself as well educated and talk a lot about social issues what in real are they doing.. After all spending some money on filters to reduce pollution wont cost more than the health hazards suffered by the people breathing in that air.. But we leave this matter to them as here we are to talk about things which are feasible. You must have got it right by now.. yes its the emission from automobiles.

A very common view on Indian roads.. so many vehicles and many of them not taken care of.. auto drivers using diesel or kerosene oil instead of petrol.. If any one of you sit in an auto or any other vehicle try to make the driver listen to you and make him understand about the ill-effects it has on environment even after it saves some money to him its not worth it. Try educating people around you and stop them from doing wrong. We educate our children not to inhibit bad habits same way our Earth is our Mother Planet so it becomes our responsibility to educate them not to pollute our Mother Nature. Get your vehicles properly serviced at regular time as it not only reduces pollution but also gives long life to the machinery.

Try to plant more and more trees whenever you get time and not only planting do find few minutes once or twice in a week to go and see if it has been watered and if not then do so and make them live becuase they make us live and that also without asking anything from us in return.

Save water and electricity by a number of ways which we all know but its upto us whether we adopt them or just let them be wasted even if its causing us to pay more.. Dont think that it will only let you save a few rupees, remember a penny save is penny earned and we all know how difficult it is to maintain a living in this era where cost of living is increasing day by day. So find ways to save more, consume less, try using renewable sources like solar energy, thermal energy etc.

We can all do a lot to save our environment but the point is that we will remain indifferent until something big happens. Why do we always have to wait for worse things to occur when we can always stop them?

Learn to save and preserve because that is the only way we can help save ourselves, our children and our community from the havoc building up due to pollution.

Please start doing atleast your part of job to help save our Mother Nature our Mother Planet Our Dear Earth. Please let this blue sky remian beautifully blue, dont let it turn into a dark ugly shade of black which will only destroy us.

Friday, June 20

Year 2008-The Environment Year

Everyone is talking about global warming, pollution, changing climate etc so thought of discussing it here with all of you. Because of lots of concerns on helping save our Mother Planet and our beautiful Ozone Layer, year 2008 has been given the title of 'The Environment Year' and as many of us might be knowing that United Nations celebrates 5th June as World Environment Day, and this time it was celebrated in New Zealand with the slogan "Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy".

Some astrologers at the beginning of this year predicted that there will be major calamities which will occur in this year.. floods in some regions and droughts in other. I being a non astrologer also predict not only about the on going year but also about the forth coming years that there will be much worse calamities than the ones which have already started to come if we don't take hard steps to prevent the rise in atmospheric temperature(Global Warming).

I am not a member of United Nations nor I have or work for any NGO but would still try to find out some of the reasons on why is there an increase in pollution instead of decrease as this problem is not new and awareness on it started spreading much before ozone hole developed in the south pole.. Yes my friends if you don't know then the ozone layer started depleting more than two decades ago and as a result of which ozone hole developed in Antarctica in 1985. If you want to know exact facts and figures then you can visit NASA's website.

There are various ways by which we share knowledge and try to make everyone aware about the environment hazards and try to justify reasons for changes in climate, like this year in North India monsoons arrived much before.. I sometimes wonder what will happen in July, August and months after that when there will be only scorching heat and no rain following it till winter strikes.. and that comes months after. Certainly drastic conditions will occur.

There were many interesting things which were told at WED whose link is given at the end of this post which takes you to the web site that lets you know about some of the ways by which you can not only save some bucks in your pocket but also help the living beings community all over the world by decreasing pollution and hence decrease in atmospheric temperature. While I will here try to find out some of the reasons instead of ways that why even educated people like me and you could not stop pollution.

We all are very intelligent human beings and love to keep our surroundings neat and clean. As it is clear from the adjoining picture. Its not a far off scene outside the city boundary but instead its a view of a place just in front of my house. A view which is very common to find in India. Its an empty land and people from all over the surroundings find it convenient to throw waste stuff in there instead of moving few steps and throw in a locality dustbin. Its a good habit to keep our house clean but whose responsibility is to keep our locality clean. In India at almost every place I have been to, its the same story whether its a very posh colony or just a locality of few civilians. Any place which is empty for about more than one month it turns into dustbin, bathroom etc.

By doing this we forget that this is not only adding to soil pollution but also becomes difficult to live in such area because of mosquito's breeding in those areas and the foul smell which makes it very uneasy for us to breathe. But what the most interesting thing comes up in the end is that the corporation doesn't care.. the owners should make big boundary's if they cant look after their property.. Why? Because the pollution though caused by us at first place is now affecting us back. Its true there is always 'tit for tat'. What we gave to environment our environment is returning us the fruits of what we planted. So from where does corporation or plot owners come in view?

Come on people.. wake up.. Its we who are to be blamed and in order to improve its we who have to stop it. I haven't done anything much to make people stop because its just not possible to stand right there the whole day and stopping people to throw stuff but what I have done is that in our house we had made it a point that nobody from our house throws anything there and if some neighbour is there who is about to throw we politely say not to do. If the person is intelligent enough he/she understands :) and if not they throw and walk away :(

I know one house doesn't make much difference but it does give you internal satisfaction that atleast you are not the guilty and may be it just contributes negligible one percent but see that one percent is not harming our Mother Planet. What a wonderful feeling it is, don't you think? If you think it is then don't just think but do its not only my Mother Planet its OUR so please help preserve it.. Just like the way you love your house love the surroundings too where your house lives.

Another very peculiar thing we all note is that whenever we go for an outing/excursion etc we pack lots of stuff with us specially eatables like chips, chocolates, sweets, home made food and various delicious mouth watering dishes. Its a good thing.. never rely on outside food for full its not good for our health but what about the health of our Mother Planet? What is not good is after we finish our delicious food stuffs we throw the polythene bags and other waste stuff here and there. It not only disturbs the scenic beauty but sometimes these polythene bags get stuck at water drainage holes and dirty water exit gets prevented by these polythene bags which are thrown by us.

I am sure we all have seen scenes of rain water accumulating on roads in rains and if not then i will put up a picture here in few days as monsoon is going on so easy to get it in few days and if the viewer who intends to view it is lucky then i might get it today :) (What an irony something which is of shame for all of us am here saying it as lucky to get that picture clicked soon. :( )

But in the end for all this we are to blame corporation for not cleaning gutters on time.. When we know that corporation is inefficient then why do we depend on them for the things which can be done by ourself and that also at grass root level by just throwing polythene bags in dustbins provided and try to reduce the usage of polythene bags when we go for shopping or recycle them instead of throwing them away after one usage.

Just imagine if you have a garden in your house would you like to see it full of polythene bags and other stuff.. certainly not.. it pinches to even imagine one's garden in that bad state then why does it not pinches us when we throw stuff anywhere at public places. Is that not a part of our city? Our country? Our Mother Earth?

If we all unite at our own individual level then just imagine how much soil pollution can be stopped. Not too hard just try and think about it and if you think about following it.. will be hard only for the first time but after that it will look as a part of our days job.. an easy peezy lemon squeezy thing to do :)

Will write more about it as a lot and lot more things are coming up in my mind. But due to shortage of photographs which i said i will click myself and display in my blog am stopping write here. But you are not to stop here instead you are to go on the comment link and leave your precious comments on this very delicate matter and do tell about what ways you follow in stopping of spreading pollution.

Wednesday, June 18



Namaste is the way to greet in Indian tradition which means the same as 'Hi' or 'Hello' but it shows more respect as our hands our folded to show respect to the person whom one is greeting, be the person be young or old.

So Namaste to everyone. I welcome everyone to my blog and provide a new horizon to all of us to let our ideas reach altitudes of great height with our dreams materializing into words. Give meaning to your thoughts with mine as I guarantee everyone who wish to have a life full of fun 'n' happiness will get some or the other thing of his or her interest(s) in here. Don't just think but keep on reading along as there is lot more to tell in my first post. So just come on and move ahead.. because sky is the limit!!

You might have thought why the name 'Blue Sky' ? The reason is simple yet so very irritating, yes you read it correct it was irritating.

To sign in for blogger I needed to have a username/URL address for my blog. I, like all of us wanted to keep it very simple so that people easily remember it. Taking it as a very easy job I started with one then another and then yet another and so on.. Something which i took as a lemon squeezey thing turned out to be a mind boggling activity. After i finished with all the fanciful names i had in mind i started with some of the idioms/phrases which i thought i could relate to my condition at that point of time, something which I can then relate to in my first post some of which were.. blue sky, on the fence, brownie points, fair and square, fair n square, gung ho and so on... but there was none to my avail.

Finally i had to make it with my name.. Thank God there was no Monica other than me who liked url as sharmamonica.blogspot.com ;)

I thought of putting a link here which leads to a page where meaning of blue sky is described but I found none so helpful or may be I don't know how to search so well. :) But to all those who don't
know its meaning and for others who are curious to know how i could relate BLUE SKY to my blog here goes the answer..

Blue Sky refers to a very foolish outlook, for when one does not see any hazards in ones path and envisions utopia. Something having little or no value.

And i being one of the foolish fellows who undertake everything under the blue sky!

But who really thinks that finding a username is a mind boggling stuff.. ;)

I will try to put some of the photographs I click like the one as you can see on the header of this page. I hope you all like my skill :">. Will try to write about some places i have been to and about all things which you want to talk about.

Hey.. hang on.. where are you leaving?? Its your turn to scribble something in comment box.. Please do tell whether you liked reading it or not.. what all things you wish to see in here and any other stuff.. please do it not taking it as a blue sky but working under this blue sky ;) Because sky is the limit and every opinion matters under this blue sky for me!